About Your Exam: What is Refraction and Dilation?
Refraction is performing a series of measurements, both with a computer and/or using trial lenses in front of the eye, in order to determine your best possible vision. This is important in ensuring that any decrease in vision is not due to a medical problem that may require treatment. It is also used to determine the prescription necessary for glasses or contact lenses.
Dilation usually lasts 3-4 hours, sometimes longer for people with light-colored eyes. When the use of stronger drops is necessary, as in children, the effect may last for a day or longer.
Is your staff experienced and up-to-date on current medical and technical information?
We are fortunate in retaining an excellent, dedicated staff, many of whom have been with us for as long as 25 years! These well-trained people are comfortable in providing the highest level of up-to-date care, and always enjoy welcoming you back when it is time for you to return for a visit.
We provide in-practice continuing medical education for our technical staff, along the guidelines of the Joint Commission of Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology. Many of our staff have been certified by that organization for higher levels of patient care.
Does insurance cover laser vision correction? Do Employers Cover It? How much does it cost?
Most health insurance plans will not cover the cost of laser vision correction, although a few are now beginning to do so. However, employers will often help patients to cover the cost of this surgery through pre-tax salary deductions using Flexible Spending Accounts and Cafeteria Plans. When compared to the cost of glasses or contact lenses over several years, laser vision correction can actually end up saving you money. Laser Vision Correction does qualify as a medical deduction if you can take a medical deduction. (See IRS Publication 502 for more information.)
Unless you have a “Vision Care Rider” on your health insurance, the cost of refraction is specifically excluded from payment by the insurance company, much as cosmetic surgery is excluded.
Because Medicare does not cover preventative medical care, in general, it also does not cover for “routine eye exams” or “screening visual field” testing. If, however, you are found to have a medical problem during your “routine eye exam” or on your visual field test, they will cover for treatment of that problem on future exams. Many other insurance carriers follow Medicare’s lead.